
In September 2019, Marcel and Carolinne were on vacation in Chile.
He wanted to propose to her in a special way during this trip.
That’s when he hired our company to help him on this mission.
The couple went for a walk and visited the Araucano Park, a beautiful place in the Las Condes neighborhood, in Santiago.
On a table in the park, we agreed to leave a beautiful bouquet of pink Colombian roses. Carolinne was not suspicious and nothing, and when the couple passed through the bouquet, Marcel grabbed it, handed it to her and proposed.
The photographers of our team, who were hiding, started taking pictures of the moment and then did a photo shoot of the couple to celebrate this unforgettable day.

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Wedding Proposal Details

  • Client

    Carolinne & Marcel

  • Skills

    • Wedding Proposal in Chile
    • Wedding Proposal in Santiago
    • Surprise Wedding Proposal
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